Hi everyone,
It's been a sad month. First, my husband's grandmother passed away, and as we were leaving to attend her funeral in West Virginia, my own grandmother suffered a stroke. We attended John's grandmother's funeral and returned to spend the last days of my grandmother's life with her.
It's a strange feeling to know someone is going to die very soon. I told my grandmother how much I loved her one last time, as I watch her drift away. When my father died suddenly almost 17 years ago, I didn't have this chance. I wonder how it would have changed my life if I could have spoken to him knowing he only had a few days to left.
While all of this was going on, I tried to read to take my mind off things, but that didn't work out
e everything I picked up seemed to be sad. Finally though, after lots of sifting through sad books, I ended up finding this quirky little book called
Wake. The book, written by Lisa
McMann, is a little
paranormal and a little mystery. The main character is a girl who has her own share of problems but gets pulled into other people's by seeing their dreams. It's CRAZY. I loved the book! I have a review copy in the media center if you want to borrow it. I plan to order a copy for the fall.
Also, I read Patterson's
7th Heaven over spring break. It's from his adult mystery collection, but his latest in the
Maximum Ride YA series just came out as well. I haven't read it myself since Ms.
Hyers and Casey D. hijacked it from the media center as soon as it came in. Now that I have my hands back on it, I'll let you know what I think soon.
Did you know that there are many Young Adult Literature (YA) blogs out in the wide world of the Internet? If you like to find new and interesting books to read, this is a cool place to look for suggestions. I've been subscribing to one called
The Page Flipper for a while and recently answered the author's request to do an interview with someone with a "bookish" job. She is really cool and a teenager just like you guys! I'm going to connect her blog to mine so that you can find her easily.
See you soon!