Monday, July 7, 2008

How's your summer going?

Hi everyone,

I hope your summer is going well. I just finished up with summer school at CMS and have been taking 4 classes at UGA, which are still ongoing. Since I have been so busy, I have not had the opportunity to travel at all, but we are planning a trip in September with family.

Summer school was a great deal of work, but I enjoyed teaching my CMS students and meeting new student and teachers from Burney Harris Middle School. My graduate school classes have been interesting; I have learned so much about technology, reading, working in the media center and adolescent literature! I can't wait to share on the blog, and in person, about the books I have read this summer.

When we return to school in August, the media center will be getting a new circulation system. It is called Destiny! It is awesome; we will be able to access the catalog from anywhere on the Internet.


Are you familiar with I have just begun using it, but I plan to create a social bookmark list for the media center and hopefully for different subject areas. As soon as I get it created, I'll include a link on my next blog.

What's going on with you?

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Hinger

1 comment:

GladysPerrin said...

My summer is going well. I am taking a Media Technology Class. I really like to idea of day by day incoorporation of the LMS into the teaching. A great goal to strive for each time.