Since we've had an afternoon off due to snow, I began to think about "snow reading". If you were snowed in for a few days with the power off, what would you like to have in your house to read?

I spent this snow weekend reading Pride and Prejudice. It was perfect timing to read this book with Sunday being Valentine's Day! If only we'd have a few more snow days to read some more Jane Austin. :)
I spent this snow weekend reading Pride and Prejudice. It was perfect timing to read this book with Sunday being Valentine's Day! If only we'd have a few more snow days to read some more Jane Austin. :)
Hi Mrs. Hinger!
What is Pride and Prejudice about?
Who is me? :)
Pride and Prejudice is a classic. It's about a young lady who doesn't want to follow the rules of her society and time. She finds a man that she hates, but she has a strange attraction to him. Depending on how you look at it; the book could be one of the greatest love stories in history or it could be a sad case of a woman giving into what society expects of her. :) We have the graphic novel version in the media center, come in and check it out tomorrow!
Mrs. Hinger
hey ms hinger
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