Monday, September 8, 2014

News from the CMS Media Center--letter to parents

Celebrate International Literacy Day with CMS by having a 'turn off the TV and read night' at your home this evening!

OWLS Read Poster Contest--As another way to celebrate literacy at CMS, we are hosting a Read Poster contest.  We will select a winner for each of the following categories:  student, faculty and parent/guardian.  Snap a picture of yourself or your child reading, and if you like, edit the picture in photo editing software, and then send the picture to Mrs. Hinger at CMS.  We will print these in posters to hang outside the media center, and a winner will be selected from all entries received by September 19th.  Winners will receive Jittery Joe's Gift Cards (thanks JJ for the donations)!

Owls Read Program--Once again this year we are using the Owls Read program to promote reading both at CMS and at home! Students are encouraged to get 'caught reading' at school when they have any downtime, to read at home and report back their at-home-reading to their ELA teacher and to do a good job on reading assignments during class.  When we see students doing these things CMS faculty will reward students with Reading Talons.  Once students have earned 35 Reading Talons, they can turn them in for a free OWLS READ long sleeve t-shirt.  This shirt is very special because it may be worn on Fridays, on special OWLS READ Days AND can be worn any day of the week over a uniform shirt. The only way students can get this shirt is by earning it through reading.  Students cannot purchase the shirt.  So, please encourage your child to read, read, read and earn a shirt ASAP!

Personal Learning Device Updates (student computers, laptops, Chromebooks, netbooks, etc.)

If you have not already done so, consider coming in for one of our parent orientations for the personal learning device so that your child can take theirs home from CMS soon.  Here are a few opportunities for you to get this quick orientation.  

Tuesday, September 9th 4:00 p.m. CMS Media Center
Friday, September 12th at the end of the parent coffee in the CMS Media Center 
Saturday, September 13th at the Parent University (for more info
If you cannot make one of these orientations, just let Mrs. Hinger know a time that you are available, and she will schedule a personal orientation for you then.

CMS Media Center's MakerBot 3D Printer--Our brand new MakerBot 3D printer has arrived (thanks to Mr. Simpson and all the donors on Students are already submitting designs to be printed. We've printed several student created 3D objects today! We are hoping to begin using it for classroom projects in the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime, I am challenging the students to play in 3D design software and MAKE whatever they like so that they can begin experiencing what can be done with the MakerBot and 3D design.  I will print the most unique and exciting 3D designs that are sent to me!  A super user friendly and free online software is TinkerCad  Tell your child to check it out, or feel free to help them explore other 3D design products.  Students should share any designs with Mrs. Hinger via email or Google Drive.

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